Child Trafficking in Pakistan - Irfan Nawaz

Child Trafficking in Pakistan: Laws and Mechanisms

The UN General Assembly defines trafficking as the unlawful and covert transportation of individuals across national borders, particularly targeting women, girls, and children, with the aim of subjecting them to sexually oppressive and exploitative circumstances for the benefit of recruiters, traffickers, criminal syndicates, and other illicit endeavors associated with trafficking, including forced domestic work, fraudulent…

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reasons for out of school children

Reasons for Out-of-School Children in Pakistan

Out-of-school Children statistics United Nations International Children Fund (UNICEF) stated that Pakistan has the second-highest number of out-of-school children (OOSC) with a staggering number of 22.8 million children having age between 5-16 years. It represents 44 percent of the total population of this age group. There is no universal definition of out-of-school children, however, such…

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Stop Child Labor: Here Is How

Child labor remains a concerning issue for Pakistan despite various systematic legislative and policy measures. Children engaged in labor are prone to abuse and exploitation at the expense of education, health, and development. The available child labor laws in Pakistan are hardly addressing the issue of child labor; however, cases reported of child domestic labor…

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