About Us
Welcome to Irfannawaz.com where I share latest and practical knowledge in the field of Social Work, Research and Human Rights. I am dedicated to providing you the most authentic and resourceful knowledge in priority areas.
My career is diverse. Spanning over more than a decade, I have established myself as an independent researcher and published dozens of research papers, newspaper articles, and e-books. My research work is recognized in various international and national research journals. My writings enlighten the readers about emerging challenges and issues related to research, social work, human rights, development and policy. My writings are widely appreciated by various journalists, students, policy analysts, international experts.
Relying on my vase exposure to the research field, I want to enable everyone who is struggling with learning research at both ends; theoritically or application. I am optimistic that this information enhance your professional knowledge, practical skills, and confidence.
If you want to join me in my journey of helping other fellows in their learning journey, you can contribute to my Blog.
Don’t hesitate to reach me out with your queries of research at in@irfannawaz.com.